Sony Xperia T2 Ultra UK release disappointment

Over the last couple of years we have seen a growth in the number of smartphones that have a screen size of 5-inches and above with the phablet moniker. Now though it seems there will be some Sony Xperia T2 Ultra UK release disappointment for some fans of the company.
The Sony Xperia T2 Ultra was introduced to the world at the beginning of the year and was tipped to be made available for UK consumers around the month of April, which obviously didn’t happen. Now it seems as if the 6-inch smartphone won’t be coming to the UK according to online retailer Clove.
On the handsets product page it now has the heading that the device will not be coming to the country so is no longer for sale. No reason is given for the change of plan but those looking to pick up the Sony Xperia T2 Ultra look set for some disappointment.
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