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Xperia Z2 Tablet vs Galaxy Tab S 10.5, best aspects

The Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet released in March while Samsung officially introduced the Galaxy Tab S 10.5 this month and it will release in July. These tablets have got a lot of people talking and today we have a video to share that compares the Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet vs. Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5, focusing on their best aspects.

We’ve already given details of the new Galaxy Tab S 10.5 specs and pricing, or you can read our other articles on it for further information and comparisons here. For much more on the Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet including price, specs and more head here.

The YouTube video that you can view below this story comes from Total Tech War and could be useful if particular factors of a device are more important to you than others. It begins by showing the advantages of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 when pitted against the Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet.

Xperia Z2 vs Galaxy Tab S 10.5, best aspects b

A few of the pointers are superior speakers, a 32% larger battery, IR blaster, and superior contrast, but you can see many more aspects shown when you watch the video for yourselves. The comparison goes on to give the benefits of the Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet when opposed to the Galaxy Tab S 10.5. A few examples include it being waterproof, the aluminum frame, Playstation integration, and magnetic charging.

Hopefully this will give you a better idea of which tablet would best suit your own requirements and once you’ve taken a look at the video comparison we’d welcome your comments. Are you still undecided about which of these tablets you might purchase? If you have made up your mind, are you opting for the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 or the Sony Xperia Z2 Tablet?

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