The 4.7-inch iPhone 6 won’t have Sapphire Display, 5.5-inch model coming in December

Two new iRumors have hit the web today, and both touch on the upcoming iPhone 6’s release date with some iWatch info thrown in for good measure. While they come from different sources, they both line up perfectly with everything we’ve heard so far in regards to the release date of the iPhone 6.
We’ve heard numerous reports of the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 getting bumped back due to production issues with the sapphire display. Our first rumor doesn’t differ on that fact, but it actually gives us a release date. December is when the iPhablet is scheduled to drop, and it will have some company from the new iWatch if the rumor pans out.
The second rumor of the day has to do with the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 which is still slated for September, but will be sans a sapphire display. We previously heard the displays may be split between Apple’s new products, but the report from ledinside says that isn’t the case. The same can be said for the iWatch, there just isn’t enough sapphire to go around so they are unsure if the company will use it on the iWatch due to scarcity and the difficulty that goes along with producing a 2.5-inch sapphire panel.
While the rumors come from two different sources, it’s safe to say they are on the mark as we don’t feel like Apple will be able to launch two new iPhone’s and an iWatch simultaneously. If they skip the sapphire displays, it’s a possibility, but you’re more than likely looking at a December release for the phablet and iWatch.
Via – GforGames
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