iOS 8 beta 6 joining 7.1.3 release time

The predicted iOS 8 beta 6 release time is pretty well known now and as we mentioned before, the download should arrive at 1PM EST or 6PM UK time today. What we haven’t mentioned previously was the chance of the iOS 7.1.3 update finally dropping as well, and it seems a number of people feel this could happen today as well.
In an article on Product Reviews, they also highlight the expected release date along with time for iOS 8 beta 6. The popular technology blog also features a few tweets talking about the 7.1.3 update, and how they’ve seen a lot of fingers pointing towards today for a public release.
This would mean developers and public users could see updates to iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch on the same day. It’s not clear if the public build would share the same update time, or in fact where these rumors originally came from, but there’s a lot of hype today around two updates releasing.
One iPhone 5S owner had this to say, “I hope iOS 7.1.3 arrives for download on Monday, as I have plenty of problems with the battery life, mic, camera, and calendar issues”.
Do you have any iPhone battery drain or other problems still with iOS 7.1.2? Would you rather wait for iOS 8 to release to public, or would you prefer to see iOS 7.1.3 arrive today?
We’ll post some review videos taking a look at improvements in iOS 8 beta 6 later on this week and of course the Gold Master build won’t arrive until Apple’s September event.
Update: Apple didn’t deliver on iOS 8 beta 6 or the public 7.1.3 release, so we’ll have to wait a little longer for fixes to those bugs people.
11 thoughts on “iOS 8 beta 6 joining 7.1.3 release time”
Battery issues WON’T be fixed in x.x.x updates. Every time people hope that a minor update will fix, let’s face it, a major issue, it’s not going to happen. iOS 8 will optimise battery life alongside the iPhone 6.
Ojala sea cierto ppr que el ios 7.1.2 es un desastre total
English you spic!
at least he is not a hillbilly that screws his sister and his mother! and your cracker self like to talk crap behind a screen but bad things would happen to you if you said it to his face! you call him a spic….i call you a ignorant inbred cracker and i am white!
anyone knows when beta 6 will be released now? It’s almost 7pm uk time and nothing there..
Looks like it’s not going to be today now. Guess we’ll have to see if there is any news at all this week about it.
Based on the change log for the new XCode beta there won’t be a beta 6 folks. The XCode beta is for beta 5 SDK.
they already said that it will be on 15th august, but still nothing, cant wait for new update
Its 6:26PM and i dont see the iOS 8 Beta 6 release ….
me too
it almost 10:00pm and no beta 6 when is it going to happen is it delayed