iOS 8 release countdown to download

Although the iPhone 6 will release on Friday running the new Apple mobile operating system out of the box, many readers are just as (or more) interested in the iOS 8 public release time. Apple has announced the date as September 17th, so we’re only a day away. Today we’re starting our iOS 8 release countdown to the download.
Plenty of readers have asked us “what time will iOS 8 release?” In a previous article we gave our idea for the most likely time, based on the last few iOS releases. Based on past patterns we feel iOS 8 is likely to go live tomorrow at around 10am PST or 1pm EST, that’s 6pm UK time.
With this in mind we’ve embedded a countdown tool below this article based on our 10 am PST expectation. At the time of writing it reads 1 day, 5 hours, 43 minutes, and 19…18…17 seconds, you get the drift. If you’re wondering whether your current iPad, iPod touch or iPhone will be compatible with iOS 8 you can head to our compatibility list here.
We’ve been following developments with iOS 8 through the various beta stages and there are many new features and improvements. You can see more about this in a couple of iOS 8 reviews that we shared with readers yesterday that will give you an idea of the benefits of the upgrade.
One thing worth noting is that there may be some initial iOS 8 problems with the download, as is usually the case when millions of people are hitting the servers at once, so you might want to bear that in mind and wait until the following day. We’ll be bringing more news on iOS 8 and what it offers over the coming days and weeks, so do check back with us for more.
Remember the countdown tool is below this article, to count down the hours and minutes until the update releases. Are you intending to update to iOS 8 on your existing iOS device as soon as it goes live tomorrow?
175 thoughts on “iOS 8 release countdown to download”
So in Australia it comes out at 3:00am?
Considering its uk time yes probably but thst only if the 10am prediction is right
Honestly but what are the chances of the new update being released at that time?
For me it will be released at 12:00 military time
3:00am CST, Eastern and Western states are in different timezones
For me it will be 5.00PM
British? Same.
12:00 PM!!!!
Where do u live??
10PM Just can’t wait….:)
Can’t wait! It’s 12:10am and still not available. 3:00am looks like the most likely release.
The update is there for all devices ……NOW!!!!
Eagerly waiting…. checked after reading your message, iPod touch 5th gen users are not ready yet.
Actually, It’s not available for me yet because I think apple may be releasing the update at different times in different time zones to reduce server hits.
Bald ist es soweit
I hope IOS8 will not result in a slow iOS for 5th gen users. Really hope some day we will see offline siri functionality to allow me to make notes, appointments, and the simply things that don’t require internet as voice over is very limited. Tim Cook take note. In the meantime from what I have seen and read online, there should be no disappointment.
That’s a great idea, worrow! I’ll let Tim know in our next meeting
Thanks Jony, I am sure it would be a welcomed feature. Another consideration might be Apple Maps, having it accessible while in offline mode or having an option to download map for Canada as an example so I can still see things while offline. I know they have this in other map apps, but just another idea. I have tons of ideas and 0 skills in the area of developing anything so all I can do is regurgitate my ideas that make sense.
We’ve been discussing the Apple Maps Offline feature but right now we are focusing on other things.
For sure, always something to work on past present or future.
I know a new feature is to be the “Hey Siri” so does this work when my device is sleeping or locked? For example, “Hey Siri, do something fantastic.” Siri starts process and if your device is in locked mode, confirm your unlock and Siri will continue to precess requested task. Maybe a feature to add? Instead of having to unlock your device there is a secondary option when unlocking in “Siri” mode that you can create a “code name” or “code word” Siri asks for your code word or whichever to unlock your device for you then continuing. This way for people doing something and device is not at hand you ask “Siri” for something and you can still get your answer hands free, also handy for when you are driving in order to keep things “hands free” which is the law. Something to keep in mind.
The solution is not really possible right now as speech recognition needs a lot more growth, but it definitely is a great idea! Maybe in iOS 9……..
so guyzz any idea what will the available time in canada to update the new ios8?
in an hour and a half
It all depends on the time zone. iOS 8 is being released all over the world at the same time. For me it comes out at 1 pm which is 10 am for California. So what ever time zone for you I will have the iOS update in 1 hour
It all depends on the time zone. iOS 8 is being released all over the world at the same time. For me it comes out at 1 pm which is 10 am for California
6PM!!! Can’t wait for iOS 8 on my iPhone 5s! Hey Tim, maybe add at least two different speeds for Slow-Mo in iPhone 5s!!!
Your camera can’t physically do it. Sorry, they can’t do the impossible…
55 min to go
54 MINS TO GO!!!
33. we counting down now?
Heres a tip: once recorded, the video itself after processing can be slowed down, so the camera isn’t doing the work, it’s the software slowing the actual video down!
Then why not shoot at 10,000fps? The camera literally has to take more photos per second. Your phone can’t take 240 photos in a second, the 6/6 Plus can.
after recording, the video could be slowed down and smoothed out
50 Minutes more!
iPhones, iPods, and iPads at the ready guys, this will be HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There’s three people here, and two of them are Alex Keen
How ironic.
That’s not irony
yes it is.
How so?
Because we both used CAPS for the A and K, and we both used s p a c e s .
How much space will it require , I have 2gb , and can delete one 1gb app
Only 1GB required if the last beta is anything to go by
Update: iOS 8 is not yet available in Australia. Keep you posted!
Possibly because the countdown has 45 minutes to go? Be patient, we’ll get it soon.
Who’s updating their iPhone 5s?
38mins and 35 secs to go!
20:25 here, in not Soviet, but Russia.
28 min
Almost here
26 min
I dont know
But it’s gonna be huge
how will you update: iTunes or OTA, through the device itself?
Check out my YouTube channel for more info and gaming Tayne Orwin
How would you use iTunes and OTA at the SAME TIME?
24minutes to go
info on what
23 mins
One or the other
I cant wait
i have set my auto lock to never and im keeping my iphone 5s at that menu with Software Update, ready to be one of the first in the UK to have iOS 8.
22 MINS!
i wonder if its at precisely 6:00
Im excited*_*
So you play minecraft alex
20 to go
How will you update ? ota or itunes
20 minutes to go!
What is faster ? iTunes?
Can’t wait for the epic typing sessions to come
Go check my gaming YouTube channel tayne orwin youtube
Me to its gonna be epic
Come on
im happy for you guyzzz in all over the world are exicited to ios 8,its been a year right now since the ios7 do the same thing….EXCITEMENT!!!!
Is someone from Germany here
14 mins left yayy!!!!
I’m in the States
Hurry up pleaseeee & follow me on twitter @tobiespencer Instagram @tobiespencer97 and snapchat @ tobiespencer97
I can’t wait any moreeee
I’m also in states
I’m not gonna get it now
from the states
its quicker on itunes to me
I cant wait anymore
hope the update doesnt fail like last year for ios 7
fastest way: Iphone + wifi
Ya same
getting my 6 plus in 2 days!!!!!
Same here but in 3 days
Cool *_*
were waiting in line now in Washington D.C for the 6 plus
were all at working waiting for the update lol
How much free space is advised we have free if updating directly to the phone?
but is it releasing according to this countdown????? i mean is this the exact time for the release
hopefully it comes out when told
Ya i wonder
its 1pm for the united states eastern and 10am for the united states pacific
Hopefully today
wheres everyone tuning from?
I’m in central US
is this countdown exact??????????will it really release in the exact time???
i am from india
its begin here in canada now!!!!whoooooo
I already have it!!!!
It’s here for me whoohoo
can i update on my phone from a jailbreak ios 7.1.2
just joking hehe….im too excited dam….i have work at latenigth
its out!
its here
update all of you
I have it
Oh boi@@@#!!~
tatt its finaly here <3
Countdown a bit late. It’s out
It’s here, downloading, hope that servers are ready and stronger this time
It’s out , but mine is saying checking for updates
What I says checking for updates
Only problem is it needs to request and wait till everyone else downloads first…
4.7 Gb ????? , ok better try via PC now
it said update requested
“Server cant be contacted”
Can I update directly from 7.0.4?
yes you can
What should I do when it say ” update requested” for the past 20 minutes?
Same herre lol, just wait, I think
mine’s downloading, trick is to cancel it if it takes longer than 3 mins, and click on update again
There’s no way that update will finish in 3 minutes, even if the servers weren’t stuffed.
i was replying to the comment below
What should I do when it say ” update requested” for the past 20 minutes?
You can do that by clicking the ‘Reply’ button directly below the comment.
thank you
Just me getting cannot check for update?
no i get it too
getting it on iPad, iphone is preparing to update
It says preparing update
it can take some time like 30 minutes
ios updates, there wonderful…
Update requested for like an hour
thanks apple for new ios8 love it!!!!