iOS 8.0.3 needed for problem fixes before 8.1

Apple’s iOS 8 may have brought some welcome changes and new features, but it hasn’t exactly been a smooth path for the updated operating system. There have been many complaints from iPhone and iPad users since the general release of the update, as well as after subsequent updates. The last was iOS 8.0.2, but it’s evident that iOS 8.0.3 is needed for problem fixes before 8.1.
We have been inundated with comments and emails from readers about issues they have faced with their iOS devices since iOS 8 was made available to the public. A look at Apple Support forums and social media tells us that some of these problems are being encountered by many people. We’ve documented these over the last week or so, and also written about the iOS 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 updates that followed that included various fixes, but seemed to lead to more difficulties.
A few days ago we wrote about problems still existing since the latest iOS 8.02 update and it soon became very evident to us that many readers were still frustrated by various issues. We had numerous comments in response to this article, and just some of the compaints concern WiFi, cellular connectivity, battery drain, and random crashes. Another thing we noted is that these problems are not just affecting the new iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, as owners of the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S and iPads have also contacted us.
In fairness we also wrote an article about how iOS 8.0.2 does appear to have solved WiFi issues for some iPhone 6 owners, but in response to that post we are still receiving further comments from owners whose device problems haven’t been resolved yet. For example one user wrote today, “My iPhone 6 with iOS 8.0.2 will not send or receive i messages – resetting network hasn’t fixed the problem. It has forgotten all my wifi passwords/connections for hotspots in my regular cafes/shops/workplace and always links to wifi at home via my phone network and not my home wifi box. I have the same problem with my 4s and 4th gen iPad.”
Another writes, “Wish I had my 5! I’m on my second iPhone 6 since launch. Bluetooth won’t hold connectivity in my car starting third day I had the phone. Wifi drops yet works perfectly on my iPad Air. I’ve spent at least 15 hours with Apple techs both via phone and Apple Store. What a botched launch! I had three Androids prior to my 5 and am considering going back to Android even though I prefer the Apple product WHEN IT WORKS! I bet Steve Jobs is rolling over in his grave!”
It is becoming very clear that further updates will be needed to bring fixes, and we are hoping that Apple will release iOS 8.0.3 with this in mind. Just a few days ago it was reported that Apple is already preparing iOS 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3, which is surprising at this early stage. Since then we heard that Apple has seeded a beta of iOS 8.1 to developers for testing (see full changelog here), and this is unusual as an iOS x.1 release doesn’t usually arrive until a couple of months after a new iOS version.
At this moment we cannot tell when iOS 8.1 will be pushed out to end users, so in the meantime we have to put our faith in iOS 8.0.3 and hope it arrives soon, AND that it contains the necessary bug fixes. Are you an iPhone or iPad user who has encountered problems with iOS 8 and updates since? Maybe you’re still facing issues since iOS 8.0.2 and want Apple to release iOS 8.0.3 as soon as possible? It would be good to hear more from readers about this so do send us your comments.
52 thoughts on “iOS 8.0.3 needed for problem fixes before 8.1”
My 4s has been useless wifi wise since the 8.0 upgrade. I loaded the 8.0.2 uopdate, but it is still very slow and the wifi does not connect at all. This is extremely frustrating as the unit had no problems with speed or wifi when still operating on ios 7. Hopefull 8.0.3 arrives very soon.
yeah.. me too.. I have same problem..It’s frustrating wifi slow (lost connection some times). 3G faster than wifi.. crap!
iOS 8.0.2. Still can’t update APPS on my IPAD (no problem with iPhone or my wife’s iPad
Now have 19 apps needing up dating also still cannot download IBook
Really frustrated
iOS 8.0.2 on iPhone 5c. wifi is sluggish. Can’t send text message. Update badge always appears on the App Store icon even after updating all the apps.
can’t use Internet on my phone outside of wifi at all because of iOS 8.0.2!! SOOO frustrated when is a new update expected???
My wifi connection is nonexistent on both my 5c and my wife’s 5s, and Apps are constantly crashing
It has become ‘accepted’ that new e-devices have bugs in their OS, but it is weird to see an Apple product that has Bugs, with a maj B. Also, I guess Apple is gonna loose its King of Usability status, because their IOS has become incosistent for us, the user. For example: the favorites button in Safari behaves differently on portrait or landscape position (iPad 3). And we all used to know that ‘delete is delete’, the IOS does not have a ‘dustbin’. This is very OK, because you get used to it. You get to think before pressing delete. And that is OK. But now, the photo app has a ‘recently deleted’ folder. What’s the f* use of that? We haven’t had it for three years, I’ve never seen any complaint about it. Then again, in the Mail app, when you slide a Mail a little bit too brutal (or whilst shaking on a bus), the mail is gone!
What worries me most is that these obvious useability features have not veen discovered by the experts of Apple. I guess Phone 7 will be a phablet. I hope that it will ot be the combination of a bad working phone, with a bad working tablet, running a bad working os… So sad…
My iPhone 5 flies with iOS 8.0.2 … no issues at all and battery life seems a little better
8.0.2 did not sort out all the problems and failures encountered with the 8.0.1, my Ipad 2 is constantly freezing, I cannot copy and paste a message because it fails doing so, internet is very slow and takes ages to open a page, same identical issues my my Ipod 4th generation and my Iphone 4S…..therefore apple should work hard to release very soon an appropriate update version cause the frustration of customers hit the top……
have been having MAJOR bluetooth issues since upgrading my iPhone 5 to iOS 8. Since, I have gotten an iPhone 6 and the problem persists. I just hope Apple knows about the bluetooth bugs because I don’t want to get stuck with a broken phone for the next two years before I’m eligible for an upgrade again!
My iphone 5s have become a wifi nightmare. I actually consider turning off the wifi at home! It loses connectivity on wifi N while more stable on my wifi g router. My work connection is pretty much a goner. Can’t connect or very unstable. Giving a signal too low to use wifi. Give me back iOS 7!
i have problems with ios 8.0.2 om my ipad 2…. app store icon still showing updates even after updating them from itunes on pc and even after sync…. i also cannottupdate my iphone 4s to ios 8.0.2 it stucks on the agree button of term and conditions. it is really so bad…………..
Ipad 2 running slow on IOS 8.0.2, rendering it almost useless. IOS 7 was much better.
Running iPhone 5 + 4s & iPad 4th Gen + 3rd Gen. Missed the 8.01 update but 8.02 is working fine on all 4 devices. Bit laggy, but to be expected with the upgrade!
iPad 2 keeps losing cellular connectivity after updating to iOS 8.0.2. I have to constantly switch my iPad off and on again.
iphone 5 was fine until 8.0.1 update, now cannot detect any devices via bluetooth. 8.0.2 did not fix this issue.
Lots of issues still on my ipad mini retina ios8.0.2. Video streaming to my apple tv is buggy (no autoplay, drops connection) and on/off lagging interface (ie slow animations).
iPhone 4s, ios 8.0.1. No WiFi connection at all. Maybe it’s a hardver problem? Quick battery drainage, 50% during the night, doing nothing. I’m updating to 8.0.2 right now.
Just downgraded to 8.0.2 – Now I can not even switch on wifi on the phone. Excellent job!
iphone 5 user.. updated to 8.0.2 and have so many problems ever since. Screen freezes and takes almost a minute for apps to open . Some of them dont even respond like facebook messenger instagram and so and others have to crash and restart about two times before they can finally be used. Battery goes down even faster as well .. I hope they ll fix it soon or i ll have to change to another phone !
iphone 5 user updated to 8.0.2 two days ago. no wifi, no time and date, no email, no sounds.. maybe i should get samsung
I own an iPhone 4S, and an iPad 2. The latter is extremely slow on ios 8.0.2. I use it for work mainly, via VPN. I had 2 of them configured, and when i tried to configure the third, none of them would work. Had to reset network configuration and start all over again. My iPhone is not a superfast phone now, but at least I had no problems so far (also ios 8.0.2).
Veel problemen met WiFi als cellulair onder iOS 8.02 met een iPad air en iPhone 6 plus
needs to find a solution to the “Unable to Download Item” error on
the Iphone 5 as well as on the other operating devices since iso8. I have
tried EVERYTHING to fix this problem as well as contact Apple Support who could
not help me with this error at this time. It is definitely a bug
somewhere. Not sure if it is the iso8 software (more likely), a glitch
spooling from the U2 digital album download (which is less likely), or a
problem with the iBooks. All I know if more people contact Apple Support
re these types of problem they are more likely to fix it quicker. The 2
tech support people I contact at Apple Support hadn’t heard of this problem which I was quite surprised
by since so many people have this problem and talking about it in the Apple forums. I told the 2 techs that they should read the forums.
iOS 8.0.2 on my iPad 4 and iPhone 5s. There is no problem on the iPhone. wifi connectivity issues exist on my iPad 4. Considering buying a Samsung Galaxy tab S. To solve the connectivity issues switch wifi off and again switch it on both via control center. It works for me after that.
Iphone 6 8.0.2 still doesn’t fix the lagging wifi issue when opening a page in safari. If i disconnect and jump to LTE it then opens. This is happening on the two iphone 6’s and our other iphone 5s’s are performing fine. This is a major issue to me unless Apple wants to start paying for some of my data.
I have an iphone 4s that gets Weak wifi and falls and back with full signal but that this sucking the battery because the phone is using 3g connection with this when locked screen and when you unlock it connects to wi-fi.
correct this or Steve Jobs will haunt you
iPad 3, issues abound with 8.02. 3G signal hit and miss, same provider on a phone, full signal and data. Wifi seems to decide its own thing, sometimes connects, sometimes connect to a network with a weak signal, even though preferred is available. Random reboots, random app shut downs, woul blame the app but considering the other iOS issues, to much of a coincidence
Apple with the release of iOS 8 have done more to boost Android sales then Google could have ever hoped to achieve.
I have an iphone 4s and the wifi is unavailable. The wifi is greyed out and i cannot turn it on, let alone find any available signals. My wifi was working just fine and all of a sudden it stops working and it greyed out.
I have the iPhone 5 and find that my wifi connects at home but nowhere else also my Bluetooth doesn’t stay connected in my vehicle. I remember a time when a company put out a quality product and didn’t force its customers to suffer through inferiority like so many companies seem to do now. Why is society so complacent with this way of commerce.
So far so good on both my iPad Air and my iPhone 5s with 8.0.2, and no Bluetooth issue with my car (BMW 3 serie 2010).
Myself and my wife both have 8.0.2 on our 5S’s and tbh it’s the worst thing I’ve ever installed. Wifi is ridiculously slow to the point it doesn’t respond when using safari (perfectly fine before the update and fine using 4G), my 5S keeps forgetting wifi passwords, pictures can’t be uploaded to Facebook anymore without using the very poor Facebook app and some apps hang
I’m quickly loosing my faith with Apple products!
my iphone 5 slide to unlock does not work after updating to 8,0,2 just cannot answer a call have to disconnect press the power on key twice and then return the call waiting for a new release
What a frustrating week! I do not have time to spend every 10 minutes trying to get wifi and watching it drop in and out and hang on very screen – then phone constantly attached to a charger. Phone upgraded to 7.2 became WiFi hell and so just upgraded to 8.02 – no better – also 3G keeps dropping off – back to GPRS! Looking for an android replacement now.
My boyfriend just updated to the IOS 8.0.2 on his 4S – I remember thinking “don’t fix what ain’t broke, it works now don’t mess with it!”. Damn was I right. He’s been having problems with the wifi for days, and now the wifi toggle is greyed out – DOOMED! This better be fixed soon (am I going to have to try that stupid freezing trick to get WIFI back long enough to update, when it comes out?), I can’t believe we stay loyal to this Apple brand with so many problems!! On the bright side, my 4S is still working with 7.0.4 (though I admit my battery life is crap, at least the darn thing works).
Since updating my iPad Air wifi 64gb to 8.0.2 the battery is draining faster, running very hot, web browsing is crazy slow, can’t load videos in Facebook, Facebook randomly crashes, some web pages won’t zoom in for easy reading, and while typing this message the typing randomly stopped unless I touch the cursor on the screen.
None of these problems occured with iOS 7.
Can someone explain why after updating to iOS 8.0.2, i keep seeing sync session fail with my iPhone 5c whenever i try to connect to my mac laptop? really frustrated
Im facing touchscreen issues with my iPhone 5. Very frustrating when I type messages or click on an app, it’s either unresponsive or some other app opens. I need to keep pressing the off and on button so as to refresh the screen before it freezes from typing again. Please APPLE…when is the next update?!…Argh. Terrible engineers.
I have an iPhone 4S, the Wi-Fi isn’t working. It either doesn’t connect, or connects but disconnects every five minutes. iOS 8 was fine, but 8.2 messed up my phone.
It’s horrible now I wish I had never downloaded the thing.. Can’t open video, typing is slow and has to catch up, hate disqus it ain’t gonna let me send this
After reading all comments about the 8.0.2 update, I rather wait until a new update is released!
8.0.2 seemed to resolve all the issues I was experiencing on my iPhone 5s 64GB, but is kill my iPad Air 128GB; I cannot download any updates or new ups on either wi-fi or cellular networks. I must update in iTunes and am forced to sync the device to iTunes to get the updated versions loaded on my devic.e
IOS 8.0.2 is just a audaciousness!!!!!!! after updating on ios 8.0.2 my iphone 5s´s battery is been a half day completly empty without using it expect of opening whatsapp a couple of times….. and the sadest thing is that my touch ID doesn´t work at all now…!!!! when i try to activate the fingerprint-function it just said that it has failed and that i have to try it later ….. :/ :(((((((
Does anybody has same issues ???
Frustrating – iPhone 4s and iPad both have very slow response to touch and button, battery in phone drains. Commenting on social media, sending emails, playing games etc have become impossible as the screens first don’t react, then open/close various windows at once. Are we Apple’s testing community these days?
Slow wifi on iPhone 6… Can’t even use it.. My LTE works really well though but I have a data limit..
I have the 4s 16gig and it has been useless since the 8.0.2 update. Calls drop all the time, random freezing where I have to hard rebott (power & home buttons pushed at the same time), wifi just won’t connect – even when standing practically on top of the router, it just won’t connect. An then after a network settings reset, it connects for a couple minutes and then drops the wifi connection and freezes the wifi page in settings. I hope Apple can sort this out ASAP as my phone is now a glorified paperweight!
How can I solve all the problems I have now on my 2 iPads this is outrageous. Is there news the problems will be fixed? You can’t even get free support from Apple. I’m appalled.
Since my last post I can add that my music lists under artists are not loading correctly or at the best randomly. Their May be for example 5 songs for a given artist but when opening the artist list their is just one song and some random other songs not by the chosen artist. I expect to discover new bugs all the time since updating. I hope their is a fix real soon!
last 1 week my 4s is too slow i have down loded ios8.2
how can i solve this problem
I updated my iphone 4s to ios 8.0.2 a week ago assuming that it would be safe to do so…..I could not have been more wrong!!! My battery used to last up to 48 hrs now I would be lucky to get 4.8 hrs with everything switched off!!! Also when I make a call it takes a long time i.e. several seconds for it to actually dial the number. I think Apple are a disgrace & I hope someone has the guts to sue them over the ruination of what was a perfectly good phone until the upgrade that they recommended.
I’m an iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G – GSM owner. The
iPhone is working mainly ok and I’m quite happy with the new iOS8.0.2 but on
iPad, I’m loosing GSM connection in a randomly way, with an average frequency
of once per day The only way I can get the GSM working again is to restart the
I did several things to solve the issue:
I did upgrade my SIM card to the most
recent version of Vodafone.
I did install iOS 8.0.2 from scratch (using recovery
mode) and after I did restore a backup previously done to iCloud.
None of the previous actions solved the issue.
Randomly, it appears on the left upper corner of the
screen “No Signal†and at same time disappears the menu option Settings>Carrier.
After this, only a restart makes the 3G connection available again.
A new release is very well come urgently, otherwise, I’ll
do a downgrade to iOS 7.1.2.