Samsung Galaxy S5 price slash for India appeals

We have some exciting news for our readers in India today in the form of a drastic price cut on a popular flagship smartphone. There’s an official Samsung Galaxy S5 price slash for India, making this handset even more appealing than it already is. Read on for further information on this discount.
Samsung has given new lower prices for both the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the LTE version from the Samsung India eStore. When the Galaxy S5 originally released for India earlier this year it was priced at Rs. 51,500 while the Galaxy S5 LTE was priced at Rs. 53,500.
These prices have now been dropped considerably, to Rs. 37,500 for the standard Galaxy S5 or Rs. 40,300 for the LTE model. That means a decrease of Rs. 14,000 for the GS5 or Rs. 13,200 for the LTE variant, both very tasty reductions. However, some online retailers were selling the devices at cheaper prices very soon after the launch and are now lower still.
It’s unusual for Samsung to officially cut the prices of popular devices by so much unless a new flagship is on the way, but of course the Galaxy Note 4 phablet launched for India recently priced at Rs. 58,300. There will no doubt be some potential buyers hoping that Samsung also treats the Note 4 to an official price cut before too much longer.
If you want to order either model from the Samsung India eStore head here for the Galaxy S5 or here for the Galaxy S5 LTE. You might also like to check out our previous articles on the phone here. Are you tempted by these official price cuts for the Samsung Galaxy S5, or do you still think the phone is too pricey? We always appreciate your comments.
Via: Fone Arena
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