The Walmart Black Friday Android and iOS deals have been revealed

Millions of shoppers are getting ready for Black Friday, and so is Walmart. The Walmart Black Friday Android and iOS deals have just popped up online along with the company’s ad for their three event sale.
Wallyworld will have all sorts of deals up for grabs this month, but we’re just going to touch on the Walmart Black Friday Android and iOS bargains — there are many. If iOS is your platform of choice, you can get the 16GB iPad Mini for $199, the WiFi edition of the 16GB iPad Air fpr $397 or the 16GB iPod Touch w/ WiFi for $195. The Walmart Black Friday ad also shows the 16GB iPhone 5s up for $79 buck while the 16GB model of the iPhone 6 will set you back $179 through Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T.
The Walmart Black Friday Android sale offers up a bit more including several deals for pre-paid customers. Verizon will have the Moto G for $49 while Straight Talk will have the Galaxy S4 for $249 or the LG Access for $49. AT&T will let you pick up the Tribute GoPhone for $39 as well. Little something for everyone on the pre-paid front, and we probably missed a few as it’s a 40-page ad.
There are a handful of $99 tablets up for grabs as well with a Nextbook 8-inch Windows, the 7-inch Galaxy Tab 3 Lite, and the Nabi 2 Nickelodeon Edition slate. As for the handsets, all four carriers will let you pick up The Galaxy S5 for $99 bucks with a new 2-year deal or you can opt for the Galaxy S4 or LG Vista for $0.97 cents.
There are plenty of options to choose from in the Walmart Black Friday Android and iOS sale, and more could be added before primetime. You can check out the full Walmart Black Friday ad at the link below, and rest assured we’ll keep you updated on all the incoming Black Friday tech deals.
via – BFAads
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