NVIDIA Cyber Monday Bundle puts the Shield Tablet and Portable on Sale

Black Friday may have come and gone, but we’ve still got Cyber Monday to contend with. Today techies can find loads of deals, and the first one we’re going to take a look at is the NVIDIA Cyber Monday sale.
NVIDIA is a name gamers know and trust, and the NVIDIA Cyber Monday sale puts the new NVIDIA Shield tablet and NVIDIA portable up for grabs. If you’re hoping to snag either for a rock bottom price, you may be a little disappointed, but the NVIDIA Cyber Monday bundles still offer up a lot of bang for your buck.
First up is the NVIDIA portable, the handheld Android gaming setup with the attached screen. For $199, NVIDIA will give you that portable, a carrying case and glossy Black Armor. Normally, this would set you back $258, but today you’ll get the case and armor for free. As for the NVIDIA Shield Tablet, it’s Cyber Monday Bundle includes the tablet, Half-Life 2 Episode 1, Half-Life 2, Portal, and the Shield controller for $399. It’s the 32GB LTE model to boot, and both come with the NVIDIA GRID gaming service (20 games) through June 2015.
If there’s a gamer in your life, one of the NVIDIA Shield Bundles would make a fine gift. They have the advantage of being able to run Android games and some PC titles through streaming, and the Shield Tablet has top-tier specs that put it on par with any other slate on the market. If you’re interested in the NVIDIA Cyber Monday sale, just hit up the link below.
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