Samsung Orbis Smartwatch rumored to arrive with the Galaxy Note 5 release

We saw several new Android wearables around the first of the year, but it’s been pretty quiet lately on the Android Wear side of things — LG Urbane aside. We know Sammy has a round smartwatch in the works, and a new rumor suggests the Samsung Orbis arrival will coincide with the Galaxy Note 5 release.
Samsung has churned out a lot of wearables in a short amount of time although none have managed to take hold in consumers’ minds. We’re not sure if it’s the design, price or a combination of things, but it’s a fact. The Samsung Orbis is said to be Sammy’s first round smartwatch, and a new report suggests it will be shown off at IFA later this year.
The Samsung Gear A, or Orbis as we hope it’s called, is a gadget that’s been hinted at, but still MIA at the moment. Sources familiar with the matter say that the Apple Watch release is one of the main reasons why it hasn’t released, and it is probably a good thing. Allowing Apple to go first lets Samsung see what it is up against, and lets them adjust where things can be adjusted. Either way, you can bet the farm the Orbis will be available to purchase before the busy holiday season begins.
We’re as excited as anyone to see what Samsung can do with a round smartwatch, and we have a feeling it’s going to be one of the slicker wearables of the year. That said, if the smartwatch runs Tizen as rumored, the Moto 360 sequel will likely be the best selling non-iOS wearable this year.
source — SamMobile
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