Samsung Galaxy Note 5 release date rumored to arrive early

Like death and taxes, it’s all but a given that Samsung will release the Galaxy Note 5 later this year. The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 release date has become subject for the rumor mill today as a new report suggests it may come sooner than we expected.
Every year, the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 release date is a topic for debate and that’s the case in 2015 as well. We first got wind of an early release last month, when rumors sprang up saying that Samsung would launch its other flagship earlier than expected. The reason for this was to combat the iPhone 6 sales, but J.K. Shin of Samsung put an end to those rumors… or so we thought.
A new report out of Taiwan suggests the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 will be announced in late August, which would be a bit ahead of the usual timeframe. The Note 4 was released in October, so an August announcement could imply a Samsung Galaxy Note 5 release in September. As usual, the reports “sources” claim the bump up is due to the iPhone 6 Plus.
Will Samsung actually show off the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 early? That could be likely, and it would be a good move for Samsung considering we’ll probably know everything about it well before it is released. It would also let folks “see” what they’ll be getting ahead of the new iPhone Plus launch. That said, if Samsung does show the phone early, that doesn’t necessarily change the Samsung Galaxy Note 5 release date which could still fall in October.
via — GforGames  source: Sogi
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