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Verizon Hum will transform your Jalopy into a smart car

Verizon is no stranger to releasing mobile gadgets, and Verizon Hum is the latest contraption from Big Red. It’s also a gadget that’s said to make your dumb old clunker a whole lot smarter…

If you’ve purchased a car since the smartwave craze began, you probably have a few connected options. Older cars generally don’t have that luxury without a lot of tinkering, which is where the Verizon Hum comes into play. It’s an aftermarket solution for that old Grand Am sitting in the backyard, but also offers some up peace of mind when you’re on the go.

Verizon Hum connects to the diagnostic (ODB) port of your ride and sends data through a small Bluetooth receiver you clip onto your visor. Said receiver has several buttons that allow you to quickly connect to the proper folks if the need arises including 911 if there’s an emergency. As you’d suspect, the Hum works with a smartphone app which allows you to see issues as (or before) they arise and there’s GPS tracking to boot if your car get stolen.

VZ Hum

In addition to the features we’ve already mentioned, Verizon Hum customers will get roadside assistance to handle flats and dead batteries or give you a tow. There’s a Mechanic Hotline with ASE certified minds at the ready, but the coolest feature in our minds is the Parking Tool. When used with the app, it reminds you where you left your vehicle… and how much time you have left on the parking meter.

As with all good things in life, Verizon Hum isn’t free and you’ll have to shell out $14.99 per month (plus taxes, etc…) if you want to setup the service in your ride. Additional vehicles can be added at a discount as well if you want to hook up your entire fleet. If you’re interested in Hum, hit up the link below to find out more information.

Verizon Hum

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