HTC One M9 on Verizon or T-Mobile, Marshmallow update starts February 16

Waiting for Android updates can seem like an age sometimes, and the wait for Android 6.0 Marshmallow has been a long haul. Therefore it’s always nice when we can give readers some good news about the imminent arrival of upgrades for their devices. If you have the HTC One M9 on Verizon or T-Mobile, the Marshmallow update will start rolling out in just a few more days, on February 16.
The Android Marshmallow update has already been released to some unlocked versions of the HTC One M9 and HTC One M8, as well as a few carrier variants of the One M9. However, it’s now good to hear that major carriers US carriers Verizon and T-Mobile are almost ready to roll. The news comes from the horse’s mouth via two tweets about the over-the-air update from HTC’s VP of Product Management, Mo Versi.
In one tweet Versi announced, “Happy Friday! Good news for T-Mobile HTC One (M9) owners! We’ve received technical approval on Marshmallow, with the OTA to start on 2/16.” Just a few hours later Versi tweeted again saying, “Another approval received! Verizon HTC One (M9) w/Marshmallow is approved! OTA to start on 2/16 Kudos to ‪@arpu31 for pushing this through!!”
Happy Friday! Good news for T-Mobile HTC One (M9) owners! We've received technical approval on Marshmallow, with the OTA to start on 2/16.
— Mo Versi (@moversi) February 12, 2016
Another approval received! Verizon HTC One (M9) w/Marshmallow is approved! OTA to start on 2/16 Kudos to @arpu31 for pushing this through!!
— Mo Versi (@moversi) February 12, 2016
Many owners of the HTC One M9 on Verizon or T-Mobile will be very satisfied to hear that the OTA Marshmallow update will start rolling out from Tuesday. If you have the One M9 on either of these carriers you will receive notification that the update is ready for your device. We’ll remind you that updates are often phased in over the course of a few days, so you may need to be a little patient. Alternatively you could try checking for the update manually from the Settings menu.
If you have the HTC One M9 on Verizon or T-Mobile we’d be glad to hear from you. Maybe you’ll be among the first to receive the Marshmallow update, in which case why not let us know.
Source: @MoVersi Twitter (1) (2)
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