Facebook Reactions are live with Five New Buttons

Whether you simply use it, loathe it, or love it… Facebook is here to stay. The company is always tinkering with their service and launching new features, and today we’re getting a big one with the launch of Facebook Reactions.
The “Like” button is something that almost everyone is familiar with by now, especially if you read this site or any other piece of content online these days. Facebook is the King of the Like button, but starting today, that’s not the only thing you’ll be able to do. The company has added five new “reactions” to that boring old button, and while it’s a small change, it’s a welcome one nonetheless.
Have you ever seen something on Facebook that you wanted to react to, but not necessarily give a thumbs up? We’ve all been there whether it’s a shocking story from a friend that should have never hit Facebook or a tear-jerking story in your timeline. Well, you can now react appropriately to those occasions thanks to five new Facebook Reactions. They will appear when you hover over or press the like button, and currently include Sad, Angry, Wow, Haha or Love along with good old Like.
As this is Facebook we’re talking about, the new Facebook Reactions setup is not something they took lightly. Apparently they tested the concept for over a year in various markets before deciding to take it global today. Needless to say, we feel like this is going to be a very popular addition to the social network and something that will get a lot of “Loves” once people log on today.
Are you glad to see the new Facebook Reactions?
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