The WoodieHub brings some Class to the old Power Strip

Whatever device you are reading this article with requires power, and in most cases, a power socket or strip to juice it back up. The WoodieHub is a new gadget aimed to bring a bit of class to the old plastic power strip, and it’s just hit Kickstarter in need of some funding love.
We love cool tech here at, especially when it has a unique style. While the WoodieHub is not the most high-tech gadget we’ve covered, it is the coolest powerstrip we have come across. It’s designed to be “shown off’ instead of hidden away behind your desk or tablet, and just like the smartphones and slates we love to cover, it comes in several different variants.
The WoodieHub looks like a simple, yet stylish box but it’s much more than that. Inside the device, you’ll find Wireless charging capabilities, while the outside has two power outlets and two USB ports. As they’ve covered all the bases, they also offer a slick Woodie Wireless Cover for the iPhone 6 or 6s and a Woodie Wireless PowerBank. As you might suspect, those all have wood finishes, but the actual Hub is a far more unique.
Marble is a material often associated with luxurious goods, and if you desire you’ll be able to have your WoodieHub made with Carrara White or Issore Green marble. If Wood is more your style, there is Italian Walnut or Oak, while the light and dark gray Concrete options offer up a something a little more industrial. You can pick the style out when you pledge, and you’ll be able to choose the cord and plug type after the campaign comes to a close. Needless to say, they have most regions covered with Type B, F, I and G plugs.
The WoodieHub Kickstarter Campaign is seeking $16,000 to get the Hubs out the door and are well on their way to that goal with 33 days left on the clock at the time of this writing. With that in mind, you’ll want to act quickly as the good spots will move fast and are close to half gone already.
As for the prices, the Concrete WoodieHub is listed at €89/$98, the Wooden Woodie is €109/$120 and the Marble edition will set you back €129/$142. That’s the Early Bird price, and the Wireless Wooden cover goes for €35/$39 and the Wireless Powerbank is a bit more at €45/$49. If the company hits their stretch goal, Saint Laurent Black Marble unlocks at $30,000 and Aluminum Frames come into play at $45k.
If you are interested in funding the WoodieHub, hit up the link below to show your support. The first units are set to ship out in September worldwide if the initial funding goal is met.
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