Humble PC and Android Bundle 14 is live with Desktop Dungeons and more

Since the Humble Mobile Bundle changed formats, the releases have slowed down somewhat and we now have combined bundles. We got a new one this week with the Humble PC and Android Bundle 14, which is live with 8 awesome Android games.
As the name implies, the Humble PC and Android Bundle 14 is a bit different from the typical mobile-based bundles. Instead of just getting the Android .apk’s, you will also receive a Steam key for each game, so you’re getting twice the fun for one low price. While a couple of games are repeats, this bundle is definitely one of the better ones around… especially if you dig difficult puzzlers.
We try not to play favorites here at, but two of our favorites are available in this bundle with 1,000,000Â and its spiritual sequel. The Premium Edition of Badland is also available at the first tier along with Spacecom. If you poney up a few more bucks, you unlock the next batch which includes a sequel of sorts to 10,000,000 called You Must Build A Boat, Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon, and Please Don’t Touch Anything.
If that isn’t enough to tempt you into the new bundle, two more games become available if you shell out over $8.57 with Knight of Pen and Paper 2 and Desktop Dungeons. Additional games will be added next Monday as well for those who unlock at least the second tier of games. The Humble PC and Android Bundle 14 will be available for the next 12 days if you’re interesting in picking it up.
Humble PC and Android Bundle 14
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