Samsung Galaxy Note7 Will Arrive in Europe in September

In my previous article (today is Note7 Day!) I told you about the Samsung Galaxy Note7’s debut in the US, i.e. it will be available on pre-order on all major carriers starting from tomorrow with the delivery date being August 19th and beyond. Now we just got word that Europe will also get the Korean high-end phablet starting with September 2nd and we even know the price for the UK market, which is £699 or 831 Euros ($933 in real money!).
So, besides a heftier price tag, the unlucky Europeans will get the Samsung Galaxy Note7 later than their US brethren. The phablet will go on pre-order  starting with August 16th in Europe, while the smartphone will be in stock on September 2nd. That’s roughly a 2 weeks delay and I bet that the fan-base in the EU is not very happy about the “discrimination”, not to mention the boosted price tag. However, if you want to feel better, consider the fact that the previous Galaxy Note5 was not even launched officially in Europe initially and it reached the Old Continent earlier in 2016, 6-7 months after its appearance in the US. Hence, by all metrics, today’s news is good news if you live in Europe.
We also got word from a United Kingdom online retailer who just revealed the price of the Samsung Galaxy Note7 as being £699, which is quite a lot compared to what a US customer will have to cough-up for basically the same device. And the choice of free stuff in the European Union is also different, the freebies I mean. Whilst in the US you can choose between a 256 gigabytes micro SD card or a Gear Fit2 to go with your Galaxy Note7, in Europe you’ll get the new Gear VR or the same micro SD thingy, though the latter information is not official quite yet. Bottom line, start hoarding cash, September is just around the corner!
Source 1Â Â Source 2Â Â Source 3
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