LeEco has plans for U.S. consumers on October 19th

A number of new brands have sprang up in the smartphone world over the past few years, but only a few have managed to really make an impact. LeEco is one of them, and if you reside in the states, you are in for a surprise next month.
LeEco has had their eyes set on the lucrative U.S. market for quite some time. After making a huge splash with their initial batch of handsets in the Far East, more folks around the globe have begun to get their hands on LeEco’s wares. Consumers that live in the states aren’t one of them (unless you import) although that could change on October 19th.
LeEco has planned an “event” for U.S. consumers on October 19th although we have absolutely nothing to go on however aside from an interesting invitation. The invite shows a car, phone, VR headset, and a smart bike… basically a sampling of their products past, current, and future. They did not tip their hand as to what we will see or if it’s just an announcement to let folks know they are “coming” but we are certainly intrigued.
Normally, this would get filed under the “we’ll see” category, but LeEco actually send out invites to a wide variety of folks. When sites like Variety and local news are picking up on the info, it usually means it’s going to be a pretty big deal. Will LeEco actually unleash all they have to offer at once? We doubt it, but they do have a brand new flagship that would sell like hotcakes if it were to debut in the U.S.
Would you like to see LeEco expand their range to other locales?
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