Myst comes to Android as realMYST from Noodlecake Studios

Whenever we talk about classic games, Myst is one that millions of people have played. It’s also been available in several forms over the years including realMYST which has finally made its way to Android this week.
Noodlecake makes great games, but they are also responsible for porting over some fan favorites as well. realMYST certainly qualifies as that even if it has left its 2D stylings in the past. That’s right, realMYST is a fully 3D affair but don’t worry as everything you loved and remembered is still there. It’s just going to look much better this time around…
While you will be able to walk around more in the 3D version of Myst, the puzzles have been revamped a bit to work with touchscreen displays. That said, everything works well from navigation to puzzles assuming it’s the same as the iOS port. That one has been around since around 2012 or so, which means the port should be sound given all the time that has passed. There’s also a hint guide in case you get stuck, and you definitely will if you are new to the series.
While it’s great to see realMYST finally hit Google Play, some users are reporting issues with a black screen. Not what you want to hear considering the game isn’t cheap and quite large at over 700MB. That said, you’ve got the return window if things don’t pan out although we imagine Noodlecake will get any kinds worked out swiftly for this one. If you want to dive into the magical world of realMYST, you can pick it up for $6.99 on Google Play.
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