Humble Mobile RPG Bundle lands with Star Wars, Shadowrun and more

It seems like it has been ages since we’ve checked out a new Humble Bundle for mobiles. Well, we’re pleased to announce the Humble Mobile RPG Bundle has arrived, and it’s full of gaming goodness if you are a fan of RPG’s.
RPG games can come in many shapes and forms. Some people prefer retro games while others like cutting edge graphics. Thankfully, the Humble Mobile RPG Bundle has a little bit of everything including a personal favorite with Evoland. That one gives you a history lesson on the platform while you play and is pretty damned fun to boot. It’s included on the first tier along with Doom & Destiny and Symphony of Eternity.
You can get the above games for “any price” but if you pay over the average things get even better. Wayward Souls, Adventure Bar Story and Shadowrun Returns are included with more games becoming available next week. If you donate a measly $6 bucks, you’ll get Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic as well and Shadowrun Dragonfall Director’s Cut.
As always, you can pick where your proceeds go in the Humble Mobile RPG Bundle. The average price to unlock the second tier is just a bit over $5.00 and well worth it given the quality of the games. The bundle will be live for the next few weeks if you’re interested in scooping up the games and donating to charity.
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