Netflix update brings Download & Go to the masses
Netflix is the only way to go if you dig streaming media. The key word is “streaming” although that’s coming to an end for Android and iOS users as of today thanks to Download & Go.
As many streaming services as there are, only a handful will actually allow you to carry your viewing habits offline. Piracy and various other concerns have kept some companies from charging ahead with offline viewing, including good old Netflix. Well, we are happy to report that a new mobile update is bringing the feature to everyone with an Android or iOS handset.
The new feature is dubbed “Download & Go” and it’s just as handy as it sounds. If you are headed on a commute or going somewhere with limited access, you can finish (or start) a flick sans signal. On that note, it can also save you some heavy mobile charges as you can now download at home, and watch on the go. At the moment, there isn’t a full list of which movies support the feature, but there are plenty to choose from and all should be available through this method in the near future.
If you are interested in picking on some flicks or shows to watch on the go, the Netflix update is live today and ready to roll. It’s appears to be a global update as well, so most folks should be able to take advantage of Download & Go.
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