
Do Mobile phones and internet keep families close?

A new survey recently released by the Pew Internet & American Life Project says that technology like the internet, mobile phones and of course computers is keeping families so close, this is why we ask “Do Mobile phones and internet keep families close?

The survey of 2,252 adults took place to see what the world of technology had on family lives, we will talk mainly about mobile phones as that is what we are about, it was found that mobile phones is keeping families closer together, the survey which is called “Networked Families” saw that the internet and mobile phones is the best way to keep families together.

The survey outcome saw that 50% of users on the Internet who live with their spouse and a child go online together a couple of times each week, 47% of those who responded stated that this technology has increased their communication. 25% of those who answered the survey said that their family is so much closer than they were when they were growing up.

Is your mobile phone keeping you family closer than ever?

Read the full survey here.


One thought on “Do Mobile phones and internet keep families close?”

  1. Interesting results. I’m from a fairly small family anyway so we’re all quite close, but having seen how friends I know keep in touch with relatives not just here but also abroad I’d say anecdotally they do help us keep closer together.

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