Sony Ericsson P1i brand new colour: Do you like the new black version?
Ok this is a difficult one, silver or black, black or silver. When we first announced the Sony Ericsson P1i mobile phone which we have chatted about a few times which you can see here (Link) it was in a lush sliver colour.
But oh no they have to go and make life a little difficult because choosing a favourite is not one of my strong points, the picture above and below is the all new Sony Ericsson P1i in black, the picture was made from the cool razec over at esato.
Help me make my mind up; do you like the new black version?
5 thoughts on “Sony Ericsson P1i brand new colour: Do you like the new black version?”
Is P1i really available in BLACK. I’m so excited. I was just about to buy one. But now i’ll wait for black color. I’ve not seen the black color anywhere in INDIA though.
I have the black onem just like this one on the picture 🙂
I changed the body which I bought from ebay.
P1i termasuk dlam jajaran smartphone Sonyericsson sebenarnya phone cukup simple digunakan bagi pemula user smartphone berikut kelebihan dan kekurangan P1i phone ini menggunakan OS Terbuka Symbian Uiq 3.0 yg cukuo familiar utk komsumen di Asia dan Indonesia .applicasi gratis maupun yg berbayar mudah didapat di Internet . Pitur bekerja dgn optimal . Tapi ukuran layar masih ter lalu kecil utk ukuran smartphone belum lagi keypad yg kurang lebar agak sulit bagi yg berjari besar. Selaiin itu kwlalitas dan speaker perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Secra kesuliruhan desain sdh cukup bagus cuma dar segi warna masih konnvensional black and white sangat umum pitur pitur penggebrak pasar tdk ada misal Game dgn platform PSP. . Thank.i
this is fake p1 never came in black just some crazy mofo’s made a black case and are available on ebay. nice tho.