
Panasonic Link to Cell phone connects your Bluetooth phone to cordless handsets at home

Although Panasonic isn’t known for mobile phones they have just announced the Link to Cell KX-TH1211 which is an accessory o your mobile phone which connects Bluetooth phones to a cordless home phone. Panasonic’s idea is to provide users with better reception while moving through their home but also to preserve battery life.

Link to Cell

The Panasonic KX-TH1211 offers easy service registration and supports up to 2 mobile numbers which means other in your home can benefit as well; also call to the registered mobile phone numbers can be programmed to specific handsets around your home. Now to the most important information, the price, Panasonic’s Link to Cell KX-TH1211 comes with a single handset with a rough retail price at $99.95 and with availability around March, while further handsets will cost approximately $39.95 each.

Source — Intomobile

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