
Do you prefer Apple iPhone 4G or iPhone HD name?

So it was once called the Apple iPhone 4G and now reports are coming in that it will be called the iPhone HD.

We have spoke about the iPhone 4G so many times and we have received a lot of feedback from our readers, reporting that the 4G actually means fourth-generation and not 4G network speeds, speculations about the specs and features it will carry and of course when the release date will be.

Then name iPhone 4G has been embedded into our minds because it has hit the net with force over the last few months and obviously ourselves included kept reported more and more news about it, so to find out the next-gen Apple device might be called the iPhone HD is very interest indeed and of course a nice change.

Apparently the new iPhone will make its debut June 22, obviously we will wait until we have hard evidence before we start jumping out of our seats and start the backflips rolling, we reported earlier that the new iPhone will feature iPhone 4.0 with multitasking, A4-family processor, front-facing camera for video calls and a 960 x 640 pixels display.

We would love to know if you prefer the name Apple iPhone 4G or do you actually prefer iPhone HD, please vote by using the poll system below.

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One thought on “Do you prefer Apple iPhone 4G or iPhone HD name?”

  1. Bert G says:

    The big question as a t-mobile contract holder is will the last remaining network to obtain the i-phone finally offer it to their customers or have T-mobile missed their opportunity? I'd like to see the 4G I-Phone available on all networks. T-mobile's own smartphone doesn't even compare to the Apple technology.

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