
Video: Smartphone Object Recognition for Visually Impaired

As we all get older obviously things tend to begin to fail a bit which includes your sight, but the age of the smartphone is here to help out a little with those who suffer sight related problems. We have a video for your viewing pleasure of such a visual helper below.

The video shows off LookTel software which enables mobile phones to recognise and audibly announce every day objects almost instantly, so if you place your phone near a can of tomato soup, the phone will let you know that it is a can of tomato soup and so on, and it can even read text.

Obviously the software need to learn objects in the first place but once it is set up it looks to be fairly quick and quite accurate in recognition which would be of great value to the visually impaired.

The video below comes via the guys over at gizmodo, lasts almost three minutes and if the actual software is as good as it performs in the video, and depending on the actual cost of course, it could take off real well for the partially sighted.

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