
GreenPois0n iOS 4.1 Jailbreak Release Date: So When?

We reported on some information surrounding GreenPois0n, which will be the new jailbreak for iOS 4.1 and we would love to learn more about its official release date.

News and information is pretty slim on the GreenPois0n jailbreak and we will keep searching for more news about it, we want to know its release date, what features will it include, will it occur any problems, and will it be better than current jailbreaks?

There are so many questions that you would love answered so this is the place to be to let it all out, let this be where you need to be covering all there is to know and learn about GreenPois0n.

If anyone has any info on this new jailbreak for iOS 4.1 please do come forward and let us and our other readers know. When do you think the release date will be?

Only TRUST the official greenpois0n.com site


7 thoughts on “GreenPois0n iOS 4.1 Jailbreak Release Date: So When?”

  1. cosmo says:

    I heared that chronic dev declared that so far iOS 4.1 is unjailbreakable and will be in a long future. and the greenpois0n software is unable to jailkreak anything but ipod touch

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